A scene contains the view hierarchy of your app.
1 | import SwiftUI |
In this sample, body returns the primary scene WindowGroup
, which describes the view hierarchy of the sample’s main window.
WindowGroup: It provides platform-specific behaviors for your app, such as supporting multiple windows in macOS and iPadOS.
The computed body
property can return one or more primary and secondary scenes.
View Layout
Text and symbols
A Text view displays read-only text.
1 | Text("Hamlet") |
Symbols, such as the iconography
that SF Symbols
You can customize their colors and sizes using standard view modifiers provided in SwiftUI.
Even though you specify a system or custom symbol in an Image, treat SF Symbols more like text.
1 | HStack { |
To use both text and a symbol to represent a single element in your app, use a Label.
1 | Label("Favorite Books", systemImage: "books.vertical") |
use the controlSize(_:)
modifier to make a control smaller or larger, or you can use the progressViewStyle(_:)
modifier to choose a linear or circular appearance for a progress bar.
There are general-purpose controls like
, and specialized views likeEditButton
. Use these views to provide familiar UI elements rather than creating custom controls that you’ll need to maintain.
Images and shapes
Display photos and other rich graphics in an Image. By default, an Image displays at the asset’s original size. You can add modifiers like resizable(capInsets:resizingMode:)
and scaledToFit()
or scaledToFill()
to scale it to the available space.
1 | Image("Yellow_Daisy") |
accessing an image asset from a server, use an AsyncImage to handle the download while keeping your app responsive.
Fitting images into available space
SwiftUI provides several common shapes, and modifiers to change their size, color, or other aspects of their appearance.
1 | HStack { |
The HStack
provides some default spacing between each shape and, to give each shape a square space to fill, the aspectRatio(_:contentMode:)
modifier **makes the HStack three times as wide **as it is tall.
For an example of the rich possibilities of composing shapes, see Drawing paths and shapes.
Scaling views to complement text
When you need to provide a numeric value that adapts to the environment’s effective font size, use the ScaledMetric
property wrapper.
1 | import SwiftUI |
using ScaledMetric to scale dimensions in proportion to text, see Applying custom fonts to text.
Layering content
Define an overlay
When you arrange content on the z-axis
, you can use a ZStack
or an overlay
or background
modifier, like overlay(alignment:content:)
or background(_:in:fillStyle:)
,respectively. A ZStack
sizes each view based on the available space, without consideration for the other views in the stack. To specify that the size of some content depends on the size of other content, define this secondary content inside one of the overlay or background modifiers.
hide a View
the data determining whether to hide a view might be a Binding
, or an Environment
1 | import SwiftUI |
Use an opacity
modifier when you don’t want other content to shift around as the view appears or disappears.
1 | import SwiftUI |
Organzing and aligning content with stacks
nested stacks
A guide that marks the top-most text baseline in a view.
1 | struct VerticalAlignmentFirstTextBaseline: View { |
Add padding around subviews
You can add padding to the outer edges of a view to put some space between that view and any neighboring views
, or to the edge of a window or scene.
without any parameters puts space around all four edges.
Add a view to create space
This Spacer()
between views pushes the content views as far apart as possible.
State and data flow
State and binding
Indicate data dependencies in a view using state
, and share those dependencies with other views using bindings
Separate properties and imperative code from the view
当视图需要管理多个状态数据时,在单独的特定于视图的结构中(a separate view-specific structure)管理这些数据可能会很有帮助。这种方法通过将属性和命令式代码(imperative code)移出视图,使视图的声明性接口代码(declarative interface code)更具可读性。它还有助于使单元测试状态更改更容易实现。
Bind the view to its state data
1 | import SwiftUI |
Create a state variable in another view
1 | import SwiftUI |
1 | var body: some View { |
to false
Creating a custom input control that binds to a value
1 | import SwiftUI |
- By defining rating as a
can read and write the value even though another view is responsible for creating the value. - The
parameter is of typeID
, which isHashable
. TheForEach
structure uses this parameter to identify the data, that is, the integer values 1 through 5. The parameter value is the identity key path\.self
, which specifies an Int instance for each integer. Because Int is hashable, using this key path satisfies the requirements of theForEach
initializer methodinit(_:id:content:)
. And because the data is an increasing range of integers that will never have duplicate values, it’s okay to use each integer value as its identifier.
Defining the source of truth using a custom binding
Limit its use to use cases where using a state variable or object isn’t possible.
1 | import SwiftUI |
The computed
property doesn’t return aRecipe
. Instead, it returns a custom Binding of typeRecipe
. This allows the view to share therecipe
as a source of truth with other views. -
provides read and write access to a value.uses theinit(get:set:)
initializer method to create a binding. -
Because the computed property
returns aBinding
, it isn’t necessary to include the dollar sign ($)
prefix that’s required when passing a state variable as a binding.RecipeDetailView(recipe: recipe)
is the underlying value referenced by the binding.recipe.wrappedValue.title
gets the wrappedValue of the recipe bindingThe navigationTitle(_:) modifier accepts a string value not a binding to a string value